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Cooties lyrics

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Hairspray - Cooties Lyrics
Lyrics to 'Cooties' by Hairspray. They came from way far out, outer space / She's hard to miss so they landed on her face / She's got cooties, cooties / They've. Aimee Allen - Cooties lyrics
Lyrics for Cooties by Aimee Allen. They came from way far out in outer space She's hardly missing so they landed on her face She's got cooties, cooties Th... Cooties Lyrics - Dove Cameron
Tracy Turnblad, this song is for you! They came from way far out. In outer space. She's hard to miss and so. They landed on her face. She's got cooties, cooties Cooties Lyrics - Aimee Allen
They came from way far out. In outer space. She's hard to miss. So they landed on her face. She's got cooties! They've found a place to nest. She's got cooties! Laura Bell Bundy - Cooties lyrics
Jan 5, 2016 Lyrics for Cooties by Laura Bell Bundy. Tracy Turnblad, this is for you! They came from way far out in outer space, And with her help they may ... HAIRSPRAY - COOTIES LYRICS
Hairspray - Cooties Lyrics. Tracy Turnblad, this is for you They came from way far out, outer space And with her help they may destroy the human race She's got ... FRANK ZAPPA LYRICS - Dinah-Moe Humm
An' asked if she had any cooties on there (Whaddya mean cooties! No cooties on me!) She was buns-up kneelin' BUNS UP! I was wheelin' an dealin' WHEELIN' ... Kristin Hersh - Cooties Lyrics
Lyrics to 'Cooties' by Kristin Hersh. ... Cooties Lyrics. from Wyatt at the Coyote Palace. Kristin Hersh - lyrics Wyatt at the Coyote Palace Other Album Songs ... LAURA BELL BUNDY - COOTIES LYRICS
Laura Bell Bundy - Cooties Lyrics. Tracy Turnblad, this is for you! They came from way far out in outer space, And with her help they may destroy the human race. CHANCE THE RAPPER LYRICS - Juke Jam
Till I found out all of the shawtys with cooties was cute. And realized what booties could do [Towkio:] We gon' get it poppin' We gon' get it Jukin' We gon' throw a ... Cooties
Lyrics for Cooties by Dove Cameron, Joshua Alexander, Will Bell, Helene Britany , Riley Costello, Kelli Ann Erdmann, Sam Faulkner, Marissa Heart, Joanna ... YUNG NATION LYRICS - Shawty Wassup
Yo girl give me ass no cooties. I'm Tryna have relations with yo booty. Do u wanna be miss fooly I don't spit lies everything truly. Girl do it feel wet feel gooey JUSTIN BIEBER - Juke Jam lyrics
Till I found out all the shawdy's with cooties was cute. And realized what booties can do... We gon' get it poppin' We gon' get it Jukin' We gon' throw a party Radon - Grandma's Cootie Lyrics
Lyrics to 'Grandma's Cootie' by Radon. Fun like this could only be happening here, / my head on the TV set and my mouth on a beer. / Loneliness then death, MXPX LYRICS - No Brain
Lyrics to "No Brain" song by MXPX: give her milk, milk and cookies give her everything, even cooties that girl's insane, suprised s... E-40 LYRICS - The Story
Runnin around, talkin about you got the cooties. Liftin up skirts, and touchin girl's booties. Boy, take those shoes off before ya come up in dis house Kreng - Trike Girl Lyrics
Oops, looks like we're missing these lyrics. Help us out by adding them. Submit lyrics. Song Discussions is protected by U.S. Patent 9401941. Other patents ... J. COLE LYRICS - Unabomber
Nobody touching me, it's like I got the cooties rapping. Remember when we called niggas African booty scratchers? Yeah that was random, but man, so is life YOUNG THUG LYRICS - F Cancer
Lyrics to "F Cancer" song by YOUNG THUG: Aye, fuck cancer, shout out to Boosie (real spit) I fuck yo main bitch, I gave her cooties (slime se... Benzino - Boottee (remix) Lyrics
Give 'em wet cooties when I speak. I usually flash thousands worth of invisbly set jew-ies on a freak. It's likely I'm a take boo in the cut. Take her back to Spike ... ADORE DELANO LYRICS - Speak My Sex
Is I'm better than a sidewalk hoochie (Oh-oh, oh-oh) Paddy cakes throwin' shade cause they're into me. And she's got cooties (Oh-oh, oh-oh) Boy, you're so fine MO PITNEY LYRICS - Boy & A Girl Thing
Lyrics to "Boy & A Girl Thing" song by MO PITNEY: He's gross, she's got cooties That's just how it's supposed to be He hates dumb tea parties She won'... RICH HOMIE QUAN LYRICS - Throw It Back
Feelin' like Izze make a beat in the Jacuzzi I done smoked to much weed, I'm startin' to see Illusions I done fucked too many bitches, hope I ain't got cooties Chance The Rapper - Juke Jam Lyrics
'Til I found out all the shawdy's with cooties was cute. And realized what booties can do. We gon' get it poppin' We gon' get it Jukin' We gon' throw a party CHIEF KEEF LYRICS - Granny's
Ho I don't want yo cooties or ya rabies. I'm heavy artillery and need some extra 80's nd niggas [?] Got 100 shot FN's better put 30s in yo 380s. My niggas comin' ... EXTREME LYRICS - Play With Me
Two hand touch, cooties. Little League, Looney Tunes Scissors rock paper, Zoom Kick ball, stick ball. Kill the guy with the ball. Do you wanna play with me


Abbie Anker

Update: 2024-07-09